Marker locations in Elliottsburg and surrounding area
2020 Bicentennial Plaza, there are 23 markers on the history of Perry County at the Lynn Schafer Dum Memorial Park – one mile west of Elliottsburg, north side entrance.
In Chronological Order:
The First Inhabitants of Perry County
Contact Period between Widely Differing Cultures
Indian Attacks in Sherman’s Valley
Perry Countians in the Revolutionary War
Life in the Pennsylvania Back Country
Birth of a New County
Early Schools, Academies and Religious Institutions
The Covered Bridges of Perry County
Agriculture, Commerce and Industry before the Civil War
Pre-Civil War Transportation Development
A Perry County Civil War Soldier
Perry County at Gettysburg
Post Civil War Traditions
Post Civil War Transformation
Transportation and Natural Resources
World War I and its Aftermath
Life in the Great Depression
Greatest Generation Goes to War
Perry County Home Front in World War
Forces of Change 1945-2020
Most Visible Changes 1945-2020
Building on the Past, Marching into the Future
2020 Bicentennial Plaza
Green Park – Marker located off Highway #274 between Elliottsburg and Loysville. Turn north on Highway #74 and marker near old mill north of intersection with Green Park Road
Ludolph Church and School – Early 19th Century stone building on German Valley Road